Mark Lillie Radio Talk
Friday, 17 November 2006
Clear Channel to Sell 448 Radio Outlets, Entire TV Group

According to  Clear Channel plans to sell 448 of its 1,150 radio stations in 90 markets, all located outside the top 100 media markets, as well as the company's 42-station television group. Collectively, these properties contributed less than 10 percent of the company's revenues last year. The TV outlets on the block are located in 24 small and mid-sized markets.

"Our decision to divest these broadcast properties was reached as a result of the ongoing optimization of our diverse portfolio of media assets," said CEO Mark Mays. "These are profitable and well-managed properties in excellent markets. We believe that the sale of these stations will allow us to position our business to provide even greater value to our listeners and shareholders."

In an e-mail sent to the stations on the block, Clear Channel Radio President/CEO John Hogan wrote: "The decision to sell the stations in your market was not made quickly or easily nor is it a reflection on the efforts and performance of you and your team. It is a business decision that we believe will result in a better operating opportunity for your stations and is in keeping with the strategic direction of Clear Channel Radio."

The sale of these assets is not contingent on the closing of the company's merger agreement announced today. (11-16-06)

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Posted by djsource1 at 9:24 PM PST
Updated: Wednesday, 22 November 2006 8:46 PM PST

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