Mark Lillie Radio Talk
Wednesday, 1 November 2006
Air America Given Until Nov. 22 To Find Buyer

According to At a bankruptcy hearing TUESDAY, AIR AMERICA RADIO lawyer TRACY KLESTADT told the court that the network is talking to several possible buyers and hopes to have a deal in place by THANKSGIVING.

KLESTADT said that there is a "significant amount of interest" in the network, which has been given until NOVEMBER 22 to find a buyer, although no potential buyers were identified. The court approved the network's temporary financing plan that requires a deal to be in place by NOVEMBER 22 to allow the financing to continue past then.

Meanwhile, a "no-buy" list of advertisers who have instructed ABC RADIO NETWORKS that their ads not run on AIR AMERICA RADIO is rapidly circulating in the liberal blogosphere. The list of about 100 advertisers is similar to much longer "no-buy" lists for other talk programming, including most top conservative talkers and "shock jocks." MEDIA MATTERS FOR AMERICA and THINKPROGRESS.ORG are among the liberal websites circulating the list.

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Posted by djsource1 at 12:02 PM PST

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