Mark Lillie Radio Talk
Tuesday, 15 August 2006
Growing Cell Phone Penetration = Media Measurment Opportunity

From Ads by AdGenta.comAccording to a MEDIA AUDIT survey, more AMERICAN adults use cell phones (73.7%) than watch prime time TV on an average day (60.7%) or regularly read the front page section of a newspaper (53%), which makes the cell phone the ideal media measurment device, according to MEDIA AUDIT President BOB JORDAN.

"A BOSTON MIT professor predicts that the cell phone and the home computer will become integrated. That bodes well for the cell phone as a media measurement device," said JORDAN.

JORDAN is referring to comments made by MIT professor PHILIP GREENSPUN, who said, "What would you call a device that has a screen, a keyboard, storage for personal information such as contacts, email, documents, the ability to play audio and video files, some games, a spreadsheet program, and a communications capability? Does this sound like a personal computer? How about 'mobile phone?' A mobile phone has substantially all of the computing capabilities desired by a large fraction of the public. Why then would someone want to go to the trouble of installing and maintaining a personal computer?"

"One of the requirements of radio's Next Generation committee, which is evaluating proposals for future radio measurement systems, is to have a solution that is appropriate today, as well as in decades to come," noted JIM HIGGINBOTHAM, Chairman and head of research at THE MEDIA AUDIT. "This means radio needs to have a monitoring device that people will agree to carry, and our studies indicate the cell phone is that device."

THE MEDIA AUDIT and partner IPSOS plan to launch a panel study of their media monitoring system in HOUSTON this fall. The study of 2,500 persons aged 12 and older will be the first multi-media study of its kind, and the companies are currently are doing research with national panels and conducting a series of technical tests in HOUSTON.

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Posted by djsource1 at 10:50 AM PDT

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